It's time to celebrate public life

We want to understand what places you love so we can make more of them. That is why we are crowdsourcing images and stories about public life directly from the source- you! Think about your hometown, favorite neighborhood, or a place you visited once, and tell us what is special about it.
Explore the map below, pin your favorite places, and nominate the people who go the extra mile to improve public life for all!

Icon showing a person writing on a wall
Show us your favorite places and the pictures you have taken of them
Icon showing a person biking with a child
Explore the map and get inspired by places that others love
Icon showing a map of the world with pins and hearts
Nominate people who inspire you as Public Life Champions
Icon showing a person biking with a child
Read public life stories and opinions written by our community

We value cities where life in streets, plazas, bus stations, neighborhoods can unfold in ways that feel inclusive and joyful.

A child riding a kick-scooter outside pop-up restaurants

Cities with a vibrant public life and supportive public realm contribute to positive health outcomes and lead people to become stewards of and advocates for climate action and community participation. With this map we want to crowd-source and share open data to celebrate public life in cities and improve the urban conditions for life to take place.

Celebrate Public Life is a global platform that invites everyone to contribute by sharing their experiences and knowledge with the main purpose of ensuring public inclusive, healthy, and happy public spaces for everyone.

Join the community

Sign up in order to receive news on the development of the project and get exclusive material about public life.

We promise not to share your email with anyone!

Follow the conversation

#CelebratePublicLife #publiclife #publicspace #bettercities #moreliveablecities #urban95 #citiesforchildren

A person walking hand-in-hand with two children down a street

Our Partnership

This open source map is a partnership between Gehl and Bernard van Leer Foundation.

A good city for babies, toddlers, and children is a good city for all. The health of the urban environment can be measured by how many babies and toddlers you can see in public space. Gehl and Bernard van Leer are teaming up to understand how we can bring our cities' public spaces to life by ensuring diversity, inclusion, and the presence of young children and their caregivers year-round. It has been 50 years since the publication of Life Between Buildings, and much has happened in the past decades, but how can we continue to develop our cities with a focus on life and people’s experiences?

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